TEO driving school - CRM custom platform
Completed project: https://vreaupermis.ro/
The TEO driving school is a leader and a trailblazer in the field of piloting schools. With an experience of more than two decades, TEO Driving School has managed to establish itself through its team of professionals offering high quality services to its students.
Developed modules and functionalities:
- Reports: Profit, Orders, Invoices, Users, etc.;
- Online payment processor integration;
- Chat between employees;
- Activities programming calendars;
- Administration: Work points, License categories, Examination locations, Series and student groups;
- Administration: Students, employees, instructors;
- Online quizzes with a preview of the student's answers by the instructor;
- Online law courses.
- GDPR mode;
- The module for managing users and administrators with up to 10 levels of access;
- Responsive design;
- Administration panel;
- SEO optimization;​
Technologies used:
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 5.2
- Javascript
- jQuery 3.6
- PHP 8
- Laravel 9
- MySQL 8