What is a Customer Relationship Management?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a software solution that helps manage and organize customer relationships. It can be used by businesses to improve interaction with their customers, increase sales and marketing efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.

Why does a business need a CRM?

A CRM is essential for any business that wants to optimize its customer relationship management, increase its revenue and improve its internal efficiency.

Every business has specific needs and requirements, so a CRM made by DevTeam can be tailored to exactly fit your business needs.

Why does a business need a CRM? DevTeam.ro

What advantages does a CRM type platform offer?

  • Improving customer relations: A CRM helps to improve communication with customers so that you can respond to their needs more quickly and provide personalized solutions.
  • Increase sales efficiency: A CRM helps track sales status so you can better manage your pipeline and increase conversion.
  • Marketing optimization: A CRM can help collect and analyze customer data so you can develop more effective and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Improving internal communication: A CRM helps share information and collaborate between company departments so you can reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Who did we work with?

Our principle of providing quality, non-preferential services has helped both start-ups at the beginning of the road to create their own story, and industry giants to optimize their workflow or automate things they had never thought of.
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Client DevTeam - Zenda
Client DevTeam - Angro Zenda
Client DevTeam - TrigoTravel
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Client DevTeam - Rexsteel
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Client DevTeam - Reinvent Consulting
Client DevTeam - Adsem Marketing
Client DevTeam - KPI Talents
Client DevTeam - Syncreate Consulting
Client DevTeam - D8 Made
Client DevTeam - EventPay
Client DevTeam - SaveTimeClub
Client DevTeam - Redist
Client DevTeam - Programari.eu
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